High Tech, High Art by Dean Olscher
Q&A: Jakob S. Boeskov by Dave Cantor
The man with the masks by Klaus Rothstein
Siggimund by Jakob Fibiger Andreasen
If Hollywood Can Do It, So Can We by Sarah Wang
Video Gallery
Jakob S. Boeskov
276 Grand Street
Bowery, NY, 10002
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Jakob S. Boeskov
High Tech, High Art by Dean Olscher
Q&A: Jakob S. Boeskov by Dave Cantor
The man with the masks by Klaus Rothstein
Siggimund by Jakob Fibiger Andreasen
If Hollywood Can Do It, So Can We by Sarah Wang
Video Gallery
Symbolic And Real Police, 2017, HD video, 32.34 minuttes, Computer Mafia, MoMA Downtown, New York
Broken Cybertruck, 2024, photograph, 6×4”, Social Photography, Carriage Trade, New York
Transfiguration of Eros, 2017, pastel on acid-free paper, 18x24", Simulation Day Chaos, Hurrala, Los Angeles
Face Jagger, 2017, 3D print, flightcase, LED strip, 16x25x8", Iwillmedievalfutureyou4, Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus
Fuck the Singularity, 2014, Mulherin + Pollard, New York (click image to see more)
Dancers, oil on linen, 2017, 40x60 inches, Computer Mafia, MoMA Downtown, New York
Davos Orgone Device (w. Mathias Kessler) 2024, pastel on paper, 18x24", π Projects, Frankfurt (2024)
Simulation Day Chaos, 2017, pastel on acid-free paper, performance, Hurrala, Los Angeles
War Wizard, 2005, video 5 min. Screening War, ZKM (Center for Art and Media) Karlsruhe
Thule Drawings, 2011, framed pastel on acid-free paper, various dimensions, Thule, V1 Gallery
Dr. Cruel and the Afro-Icelandic Liberation Front, 2010, video 8:48 min. Creative Time, New York
Future Robots, 2014, pastel on acid-free paper, 18x24", Fuck the Singularity, Mulherin + Pollard, New York (click image to see more)
Davos Orgone Device (w. Mathias Kessler), 20x25" photograph, π Projects, Frankfurt
Map Car Man, HD Video 5 Min. R/L Window, New York (2014)
Total Simulation, 2018, (performance still) LED lightbox, powered speakers, mixer, microphone, Autonomics, Scandinavian Institute, Copenhagen
The Wreck, 2010, pastel on acid-free paper, 18x25", Siggimund, The National Gallery, Copenhagen
Intel Statement, 2017 inkjet print on acid free paper, 90x 35 inches, Shadow Cabinet, Cuchifritos Project Space, New York
Alien Shame Pole, 2018, cardboard, expansion foam, wig, strobe, smoke machine, 100x5x5", Computer Mafia, MoMA Downtown
Search Machine 1 & 2, 2012, pastel on acid-free paper, each 40x24", Weekend Futurology, Mulherin + Pollard, New York
ID Sniper, 2003, 3D print, steel, metal, aluminium, vitrine, 72x96x12", Populism, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt
Quantuum Political Feedback, (m. Edward Akrout) 2017, video still, Rencontres Internationales, Centre Pompidou, Paris
Play With Me, Computer God! 2014, pastel on acid-free paper, 18x25", Fuck The Singularity, Mulherin + Pollard, New York
The Escape, 2013 (performance still) banner, rope ladder, roadside flares, Tournament d'objet, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen
Megasuckers, 2000, (performance still), fireworks, dollarbill, Bucharest, Romania